Pro Life on Campus:  What They Say ...

College Students:

“This is mind blowing. It looks like a baby. I've never seen abortion. … I think it's time to reconsider how I think.”

- Student, Penn State U

“I was blown away. I had always said women have a right to choose, but when I saw those pictures, it caused me to face the reality that these are lives.”

- Kaki Hurley, University of Tennessee (converted from rabidly pro-choice to pro-life activist)


Student Pro Life Leaders:

“The results of GAP were tremendous. We truly witnessed hearts and minds changing right before our eyes. Also, interest in our club has definitely increased and we had about 50 students sign up to get more information about Students for Life. It was definitely a powerful and memorable experience that Penn State will never forget.”

- Cristina M. Barba, President, Penn State Students for Life


Pro Life Leaders:


“Two weeks after [CBR] left the University of Tennessee, a total of 26 girls have come into our office to have a pregnancy test. Of the 26, we are sure that 5 of the girls were pro-abortion and changed their minds because of your display. They were fussing about the vivid pictures, but admitted that the pictures had changed their minds about abortion. Three other girls were undecided about what their decision would be until we offered our alternative. All three are pregnant and will parent their babies.”

- Pat Job, Director, Pregnancy Support Center, Knoxville


Political Leaders:


“I know when people [see abortion images], they want to turn their head and they really don't want to see that, but I have to tell you that seeing that will have a lasting impression. And I just want to thank you for your gentle nature, your caring nature, your commitment to this cause. I know you are making a tremendous difference. You do great work, the people associated with you do great work, and I just want to thank you for your efforts and the tremendous difference you are making in Tennessee and around the Southeast. It’s really phenomenal.”

- Hon. Bob Corker, U.S. Senate (Tennessee)

“I've been doing this my whole adult life. And yet I have never heard a more compelling way of presenting the pro-life message than what [CBR Southeast Director] Fletcher Armstrong does. And I just have to tell you that I think the pro-life cause and movement should get behind this man in every way they possibly can.”

- Hon. Trent Franks, U.S. House of Representatives (Arizona)


Post Abortive Women:


“Don’t be afraid to [show pictures of abortion]. Many people are grateful. As a woman who has had two abortions, I am grateful that the truth is being shown, so that others can avoid this pain in the first place.”

- Dr. Alveda King, Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

“It was a very sobering visual affront, but people need to know. I have had an abortion and I can tell you this, ... I could feel the life being pulled out of my womb and almost as though my fetus was screaming. I think your campaign will help many women choose NOT to have an abortion.”

- Post-abortive woman (after seeing the RCC trucks)

“I am saddened and angry about the pictures I see. Not because I wish I didn't have to see them, but because I wish I had seen them earlier. I wish someone had told me the truth.”

- Post-abortive student, Murray State University